Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brain Sparkle: A new writers workshop forum

We all have them...it's ok, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You lock your keys in the car, leave your child in a shopping cart and don't realize until you get home, and you delete and re-write a perfectly good scene in your book...Brain Farts! But what do we call it when we have that magical moment, where ideas effortlessly flow to thoughts and then burst onto the page with every breath? Brain Sparkles! Now I have to admit, the area surrounding my "writer's desk" definitely smells more than it sparkles, but there is always hope right?

This forum is designed to do just that (see tab above). I always hear people talk about "digging themselves out of a hole," and to be quite honest, I feel like I'm in a hole much of my time writing. But the more I think about it, can someone really dig themselves out of a hole? Wouldn't the digging part kind of make you sink deeper? You should just stop digging now and start calling out for help! You need a rope, not a shovel, and more importantly someone on the other side to pull you out. My hope is that this forum can create many ropes attached to many other writers, so that when you find yourself in a hole, there are many more hopeful Brain Sparkles than Brain Farts.

It is a passion of mine to not be selfish with my experiences, both good and bad, and partner up with others on this bumpy road of writing. The Brain Sparkle forum can hopefully one day be a wealth of information and strategies for any writer at any stage in the process. Since today marks the conception of such a venture, it is pretty empty....actually completely empty. Partner with me in using your gifts and talents to encourage one another, and hopefully provide a place full of Brain Sparkles :-).

(Note: I will be looking for great suggestions and strategies to feature in the "Tool Shed" on the forum. This will be a condensed and easy way for others to locate specific strategies and tools. With each tool, I will feature the authors name, a mini-bio, and links to his/her website or blog)


Unknown said...

I'm in! I think that ALL writers need a little push and pep talks along the way. Cuz. This is NOT an easy industry to work in. Lots of ups and downs. Count me in! How does this work?

Cara R. Olsen said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you're up for contributing. I agree with you; we all need advice, encouragement, and as much help as we can get!

So here's the deal: At the top of the forum (http://iwryteprettie.blogspot.com/p/brain-sparkle-writers-workshop.html) you can click register and that will allow you to make an account. You can enter your name, email address, etc... Then you will be able to log in and have complete access to any of the forums. Just click the category you are interested in writing about and make a post! You can create something completely new by clicking new topic. You could pose a question, ask for specific help, or share one of your writing tools. Basically anything you want writing related. Pretty simple :)

I'm sure you will have valuable suggestions and tools, so I will make sure to feature them and have it link back to your blog. Also once you are done posting you can share it on the YA Facebook page, or any other writing site you like.

Thanks, Julia, I look forward to reading your postings!

patrick said...

So cool, Cara!
I'm going to give away my best secret right now: it's Janelle. I wrote mostly garbage before I met her. :)
I'll try to think of some ideas. I have huge problems coming up with plots, so I'm excited to see what people might suggest about that.
Thanks for your review of Miracle!! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cara!

I just found your blog and I'm loving it! I'll definitely read more!

I've noticed that you've been absent from figment for a while! I miss your new writings and interesting comments!

And congratulations on the Fairy Tale contest!

So I love your blog so far and I hope I see you on figment again soon!

- holly b.